Thursday, August 7, 2008

My First Memory of Pain.

I didn't write about my memory of my first pain because I wasn't in class that day then everyone kept talking about it and now I'm getting around to it. Sorry.

So it was a warm day in Omak, WA on summer day. I know it was summer because my step dad was working on my moms car and I remember smelling BBQ fumes. So my mom told my brother and I to take out the garbage and we could think of a million reason not too. Then my Mom goes make a it a race. Get on your bikes (The garbage was a ways away) so we get on our bikes with big black bags. My brother had two and I had one. ON YOUR MARKS GETS SET GO!!!!!!!!!! So we are off my brother in the lead then out of no where here comes my Dog Katie, not poopy, right in front of my bike it's to late to stop! WHAM! Right into the side of her and I go flying off my bike over my handle bars and hit the ground with a thud. Garbage flying everywhere and Katie still trucking after my brother. Knocked the wind out of me. Holy Smokes. My aunt Michelle seen it, my mom had turned right before it happened and heard it and turned around and they both came running. I had blood running down my hands and my knees and tears running down my eyes. My sister who is about 4 comes over and gives me her favorite mickey mouse doll to make me happy again. I didn't take it. I just wanted my mom and for her to kiss it all better. EWE! Meanwhile my poor doggy is bitting my brothers ankles all the way to the garbage's! HE! So the story doesn't end there.
The next day I go to the swimming pool and my knee is killing me but I wanted to go to the pool so I didn't say anything. I swim for a bit then sit in the shallow end. I'm sitting there looking at my knee and go holy smokes I have a hard scab already and it hasn't even been 24hrs. Nut. So I'm picking at it and then all the sudden a rock comes out of my knee. I'm like what the h-e-double hockey sticks. So I go to the office and show them the hole in my knee and the rock and they put a band-aide on it and send me home. I was sad. It was sad. But that is the first memory of my pain. I still have the scar. Emotionally and physically.

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Wonderful Quotes

Don't sweat the petty things. Pet the sweaty things. -I don't know who wrote the book but it is in my Grandpa's bathroom and I think it is words to live by.

There are no accidents. -James Joyce

Anything worth reading is beside the point. -

The point of the journey is the journey. -John Barth

I owe America WAY more then she will EVER owe me. - John McCain

How do I know what I think until I see what I say? W.H. Auden

I will release you from this tragic event so you can live in common unhappiness. -Froid

Imagination of action that is serious, complete, and of certin magnitude.- Aristotle

Life imitates art. -Oscar Wilde

The true tragedy is when you don't get an answer to the question "why me" -

"We cannot change the cards we were dealt, just how we play that hand." -Randy Pausch

It's like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it.
-A Walk to Remember

I tell you one thing. They aint ever getting to Aspen!
-The gas man on Dumb and Dumber

I feel like a rain drop. I drop into a puddle and then get sucked back up by the sun just to do it ALL over again!
-Krystal Fischer