Monday, July 28, 2008

The Expectations of Matilda

I am not going to be in class today so I will put what I'm going to write about on here.
I will be writing about losing things. Like when their belongins were burned, when Matilda ran to the school house to find "Great Expectations" and it was missing and how that effected the hole village, When there houses got burned and rebuilding them, losing Mr. Watts and remembering him. Her mother and how she feels about it and her Island. I am going from the quote on page 69 "There are somethings you never expect to loose, things you think will forever be a part of you, even if it's only a toe nail." then him and matilda go on about "losing" a big toe nail and she says nothing is lost because another one will grow back. he then says "Except that particular toenail.YOu could say that same about a house or ones country. No two are the same. you gain as you lose and vise versa."
Pg. 92 "Curiosity killed the car" was Mr. Watts explanation, "If everything we did made sense the world would be a different place. Life would be less interesting."
A life less ordinary is one worth living. He made his life more interesting when he told the stories by the campfire. How Matilda made Pip her friend, it made her life more interesting. Reading Great expectations made the children's lives more interesting and made them want to go to school to hear what was going to happen next. They recounted the story when "Great Expectations" was lost. That made them think and have something to look forward to when the book was lost.
Pg. 244-245 To sort of fall our of who you are into another as well as to journey back to some essential sense of self. We only see what we see. I didn't know the Mr. Watts that June Watts knew. I only know that man who took us kids by the hand and taught us how to regime the world and our lives. Your ship could come in at anytime, and that ship could take many forms. your Mr. Jaggers might even turn out to be a log. Grace going insane and never "snapping" our of Queen Sheaba. Mr. Watts getting lost in his stories along with Matilda and the rest of the village. Mr. Watts becoming Mr. Dickens to the Redskins and Pip to the rebells. The next paragraph tells us that He was whatever he needed to be, what we asked him to be. Perhaps there are lives like that- They pour into whaever space we have already made for them to fill. We needed a teacher, Mr. Watts became a teacher. We needed a magician to conjure up other words, and Mr. W had became that magician. We needed a savior, Mr. W filled that roll. When the redskins required a life, Mr. W had given himself.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Kayven’s Sonnet!
By: your mommy

I love you! Let me count the ways on your
Toes! You are Mom’s hunky monkey always!
I love making you giggle everyday all day yeah!
I can hear you coming down the hallway.

You are 18 pounds and twenty eight inches long!
Turkey and potatoes are all over you!
“You are my sunshine” is our happy song!
Please don’t kick off your green monkey shoes! Ha!

Cooing and cawing makes me want to play.
This old man he played nick-knack once again.
Your eyes are beautiful like a blue-jay!
Someday we will go to beautiful Spain!

I love you Bubbies always and forever!
I can’t wait to see you grow up to a wonderful man!

Love you always,
Your mommy!

This was my favorite assignment so far!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture!

I know it is long but it is so worth watching. Please do!

Randy Pausch

Today I was in class and heard Mr. Sexson saying something about a deck of cards and being delt. Well the quote is in my quote section but I will put it here too. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." Randy Pausch.
I think everyone has someone who influences them in some way to change their lifes. Well I have two people. My son and Randy. My son taught me that I had to change my life and Randy and his last lecture taught me how.
First I am going to tell you about Rany Paush, he is a professor of Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction, and Design at Carnegie Mellon University. He use to live in Virginia with his wife and 3 children.
I first was "introduced" to Randy on ABC with Diane Sawyer. She was convincing people to go out and buy the last lecture. It was a good show on him. It explained Pancreatic cancer and the odds of serviving it and so on. I was moved and thought I have to hear this lecture so I went on Barnes and Noble (I am a memeber) and bought both the cds of "The Last Lecture" and the book. I listened to the book in one day and read the book in two days.
His Last Lecture was about "What would we want as our legacy?" My Poem. A Postcard from a Volcano. Our legacy as a person. What is my child going to know about me? And how did I live on this planet?
Acheive your child hood dreams! Even though he was dying his lecture wasnt about that. He was actually doing push ups saying he was more fit them most in the room. And he was. Amazing! It was about "Really acheiving your childhood dreams"! It was about overcoming obstacles, enabling the dreams of others and seizing every moment. It was about living.
I remember him telling us he took a subaticle in Disney land. HELLO! How much fun would that be to work in Disney Land? He says it's okay to deligate. Stand up when you talk to people on the phone and pase so you arent on the phone long. Don't lie! Tell the truth. Don't be to cocky! Let your kids paint their walls! Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweatty things. Do want you want to do. READ THIS BOOK PLEASE!!!!
Thank you for taking time to read this blurb about him. He has changed my life and I hope he can yours. Also if you want to know more go to his web site.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Found Poem

The first Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the goverment for a redress of grievances.

1st Amendment (underlined)
Freedom of press, FREEDOM!
Freedom of religion, FREEDOM!
Freedom to assemble, FREEDOM!
Congress? Abridging? FREEDOM!?
Fress exercise to?
Freedom... Free...
Freedom to able to free.

The ode to hail!

Ode to Hail (underlined)

You fall out of the sky so fast
Hitting the ground so hard
Jumping up like little ferries
In the green sea
SPLAT oops you hit the deck.
How fast you melt in the heat of the day.
I can't wait to see you dance again Hail.
Ouch look at that dent you made
That hurts my head when you hit it.
Ouch. I love you hail!

Explaining Dane Cook

The reason I thin Dane Cook is relevant to this class is that he is a story teller. And some of his acts could be considered Poems. I know he wrote a couple of songs, like B double e r beer run. That is poetic! So that is why I think it is okay to have his videos on here.

Monday, July 21, 2008


This sounds like a typical relationship with a spin! Haha he is so handsome!

Hit by a Vehicle

This is my favorite! I actually have a crush on Dane Cook and can't wait to see him someday in real life!

Dane Cook Koolaide!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

You Tube

How do I post youtubes on here? Can someone help me?

This is My Life

So today I watched a move called "This is My Life". It is about this comedian trying to make it big with two daughters. It kinda reminded me of this class. One of the daughters Erin says that "she is an artists and artiest use there life as material". There is a lot of struggle and so forth. Then after the show I was flipping through the channels and came across a movie with the red head from "Hary Potter" and this old lady was reading Sonnet 72 by Shakespear. Anyways I thought it was neat and really enjoyed them today.
Also I have a question. Are our found poems suppose to be sonnets? I have a poem but it's not a sonnet. So if someone could let me know ASAP that would be awesome. Thank you!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

About Love

We can't touch it, count it, bottle it, or even see it but who among us would argue that love isn't real?
It makes sane people do and say crazy thing. It prompts snobby, selfish people to do noble things. It turns boring people into exciting unpredictable creatures. What else on earth has that kind of power?
It can hurt like nothing else in the world. And yet, paradoxically, not loving is much more painful.
The most talked-about and sung-about and thought-about theme in all the world. And also the most misunderstood.
It's not everything you think it is. It's more... much, much, more.
-I don't know who wrote it but I found it in my Student's life application Bible. And WOW!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Postcard From a Volcano!

So... How awkward was it in class when I started to cry? Oh wow. Sorry for that! This is a difficult poem. I think about it now and I get tirey eyed. Well when last weekend when I was first reading this poem I was "lazy" about it. I took the easy way out and said it was about the seasons and changing. Like the house is changing, and everything leads to death and blah blah blah. Well I was COMPLETELY wrong!
I heard that one of my family members was given three months to live about two hours before class in a TEXT message. A FREAKING text message. You don't have the balls to call me and tell me? So I was agree and upset and how could this happen? What is going on? Confusion? Frustration? So I decided to get it out of my head and focus on school.
I re-read the poem and was going to practice my speech again and it hit me. He was really talking about death. How it is near for the old man and the mansion but not the kids. The kids don't know. Wow! Put yourself in the shoes of the person who has recently lost someone or about to lose someone and read this poem. You change your idea about it. Also a couple of things I have learned from this. You read poems different when you are going through different things in your life. Also Mr. Sexson told me after class on Monday that poems help you heal. Powerful words.
So back to the poem. A Postcard From the Volcano is not in the poem but it has value. Remember Volcano's are HUGE. A Postcard can be a metaphor for life and therefor you have to make it HUGE!
Children picking up our bones
Will never know that they were once
As quick as foxes on a hill;
- Children will not know that "we" were once great.

And that in the Autumn, when the grapes
Made sharp air sharper by their smell
These had a being, breathing frost;
-Even the grapes are alive. They are getting older, with the Autumn. Near the end of their life.

And lease will guess that with our bones
We left much more, left what still is
The look of things, left what we felt
-This is my favorite stanza. We leave EVERYTHING behind. Family members, our thoughts, our books with little notes on the sides of them. Nothing follows us. Beautiful. Or is it beautiful?

At what we saw. The spring clouds blow
Above the shuttered mansion-house.
Beyond our gate and the windy sky
-The house is old. The new clouds that hover this old house will never know. like the first line. Spring meaning new like children.

Cried out a literate despair.
We knew for long the mansion's look
"And what we said of it became."
-We as adults know we are going to die. Crying out for it to end already. We knew that the house was going to get old. We learn that we are going to get old and die. Death is inevitable.

"A part of what it is... Children."
Still weaving budded aureoles,
Will speak our speech and never know.
-Children, this everlasting "innocence". The quoted parts are really important to this poem as will be the last line. What we say of something it will become that forever. Children will be a part of what it is.

Will say of the mansion that it seems
As if he that lived there left behind
A spirit storming in the blank walls,
- This old man who is in the autumn of his life is yelling at these walls. He is mad that he knows his life is ending and is sad. Maybe he wanted something more from this life? He is an artist. I'll explain why at the end of the poem.

A dirty house in a gutted world,
A tatter of shadows peaked to white,
"Smeared with the gold of the opulent sun."
- Opulent means richly, wealthy, or affluent. This rich sun, beautiful, bright sun. A dirty house in a guttered world. A tatter of shadows are dark and gloomy like death. BUT wait, they are peaked to white. "Smeared with the gold of the opulent sun" they are all bright and beautiful.
I think the moral of this poem and what Stevens is trying to tell you is that stop living for death and live for life... like children! Beautiful. Amazing. Leave a legacy. Become an artist so that you can leave something behind. The man was an artist wondering if he was going to leave enough behind so that will people will remember him as good wonderful "gold like the opulent sun".
I am very happy that I received this poem and will take it with me for the rest of my life. I will teach it to my son! Thank you Mr. Sexson for a wonderful assignment.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Poems

So I've got the poem no one wants to comment on and if they did I can't find it. Can anyone help me in finding a site that has any comments on my poem? It is "A postcard from a Volcano".
Also I will take a tutor in helping me write my Sonnet. I know it's suppose to be 14 line and in iambic pentameter, but that is about it. I know what I want to say but putting it so it rhymes and has a beat is foreign to me. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hey Diddle Diddle

Mr. Sexson was talking about South Park and the Simpsons today in class and comparing them to stories that we are reading. Well I know that Family guy does the same thing. There are episodes that talk about great authors and great stories and put a twist on them. Just putting that out there. Plus I love them!
In the notes on Monday I read about the coincidences and "What are the chances of that" well 1 in 3. I have a story about that. I was about 12 and living in Washington and decided to move to Montana. Well in Washington I had this computer teacher. She was amazing. Her name was Mrs. Stidman. She even did patrol for us. We directed traffic for two weeks out of the year and then got to go to the chaland waterslides. Fun!
So I move to Glasgow and I'm in Choir. Well the schedule there is different. We have 8 classes on Monday, Thursday, and Friday then on Tuesdays we would have "Block classes", 1st class, 2nd class, lunch, 5th class, 6th class then leave. Wednesday would be the rest of the classes. Well My choir teacher Mrs. Stidman, didn't connect the two because it is a common name, well there was a funny on the bulliten board about block classes and she asked me if that is how I felt and I said no I was use to it because all my classes in Omak were like that.
She went "WHAT"? My brother lives there and his wife is a teacher there do you know her. YEAH she was my computer teacher. Freakin small world! What are the chances? Well now I know 1 in 3.

Great Expectations

WOW! What a book. I kinda got lost in the language but I am pretty sure I understood the book. I felt for Pip. There were times when I was angree with Pip. Like when Pip finds out he is going to London to study to be a gentlemen and he acts like everyone is beneath him. GRRR. Or when Joe visits Pip in London and is rude to Joe.
I am glad that Pip finally learns it doesnt matter what your background is. Love is the most important in life. I am happy that he ends up with Estella. Or does he? There are two endings to this story. The first one is where Estella marries a doctor and Pip is in London with Joe and and Biddy's son and sees Estella and they shake hands and don't say much but hi. That is heart breaking. This ending where they are in the garden and walk off into the sunset holding hands is much better!
When I was reading this book I kept thinking about Karma. And the way it came around to everyone. Pip, Estella, Herbert, Miss. H., Magwitch, and so on. It's a good life lesson. What comes around goes around. I did enjoy this book.
Go out and read Great Expectations!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

7/2/2008 The next chapter

I am going to be honest, I thought this class was going to be a drag and I was going to probably sleep through it. WONDERFUL! I was so wrong. I'm actually sad that I'm going to miss Monday because I really want to see what happens next. It is just like a good book you can't put down!

So in Ex Librus when he read to us about the little boy eating the "Good Night Moon" Book I thought of my son. When I read to him at night he likes to pull the book to his mouth and chew. So I was at Costco one day and found a book of Dino's with textured pieces that you can pull out and they can chew on while you read to them. It was a wonderful invention and now he can eat books!

I am captivated by Ex Libras. Wow! I have always been known as a rebel so I've read all the chapters. I'm actually relating to her.

I don't know what I think about Great Expectations yet. Just finished it about an hour ago, while I was sitting on the beach periodically glancing up and seeing the tubers go by wishing I was one but NO i had to finish this book! It hasn't really sunk in. I will blog about this later... but it's still sunny out and I want to take advantage of it.

See you guys later!

Wonderful Quotes

Don't sweat the petty things. Pet the sweaty things. -I don't know who wrote the book but it is in my Grandpa's bathroom and I think it is words to live by.

There are no accidents. -James Joyce

Anything worth reading is beside the point. -

The point of the journey is the journey. -John Barth

I owe America WAY more then she will EVER owe me. - John McCain

How do I know what I think until I see what I say? W.H. Auden

I will release you from this tragic event so you can live in common unhappiness. -Froid

Imagination of action that is serious, complete, and of certin magnitude.- Aristotle

Life imitates art. -Oscar Wilde

The true tragedy is when you don't get an answer to the question "why me" -

"We cannot change the cards we were dealt, just how we play that hand." -Randy Pausch

It's like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it.
-A Walk to Remember

I tell you one thing. They aint ever getting to Aspen!
-The gas man on Dumb and Dumber

I feel like a rain drop. I drop into a puddle and then get sucked back up by the sun just to do it ALL over again!
-Krystal Fischer