Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Great Expectations

WOW! What a book. I kinda got lost in the language but I am pretty sure I understood the book. I felt for Pip. There were times when I was angree with Pip. Like when Pip finds out he is going to London to study to be a gentlemen and he acts like everyone is beneath him. GRRR. Or when Joe visits Pip in London and is rude to Joe.
I am glad that Pip finally learns it doesnt matter what your background is. Love is the most important in life. I am happy that he ends up with Estella. Or does he? There are two endings to this story. The first one is where Estella marries a doctor and Pip is in London with Joe and and Biddy's son and sees Estella and they shake hands and don't say much but hi. That is heart breaking. This ending where they are in the garden and walk off into the sunset holding hands is much better!
When I was reading this book I kept thinking about Karma. And the way it came around to everyone. Pip, Estella, Herbert, Miss. H., Magwitch, and so on. It's a good life lesson. What comes around goes around. I did enjoy this book.
Go out and read Great Expectations!

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Wonderful Quotes

Don't sweat the petty things. Pet the sweaty things. -I don't know who wrote the book but it is in my Grandpa's bathroom and I think it is words to live by.

There are no accidents. -James Joyce

Anything worth reading is beside the point. -

The point of the journey is the journey. -John Barth

I owe America WAY more then she will EVER owe me. - John McCain

How do I know what I think until I see what I say? W.H. Auden

I will release you from this tragic event so you can live in common unhappiness. -Froid

Imagination of action that is serious, complete, and of certin magnitude.- Aristotle

Life imitates art. -Oscar Wilde

The true tragedy is when you don't get an answer to the question "why me" -

"We cannot change the cards we were dealt, just how we play that hand." -Randy Pausch

It's like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it.
-A Walk to Remember

I tell you one thing. They aint ever getting to Aspen!
-The gas man on Dumb and Dumber

I feel like a rain drop. I drop into a puddle and then get sucked back up by the sun just to do it ALL over again!
-Krystal Fischer