Friday, July 25, 2008

Randy Pausch

Today I was in class and heard Mr. Sexson saying something about a deck of cards and being delt. Well the quote is in my quote section but I will put it here too. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." Randy Pausch.
I think everyone has someone who influences them in some way to change their lifes. Well I have two people. My son and Randy. My son taught me that I had to change my life and Randy and his last lecture taught me how.
First I am going to tell you about Rany Paush, he is a professor of Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction, and Design at Carnegie Mellon University. He use to live in Virginia with his wife and 3 children.
I first was "introduced" to Randy on ABC with Diane Sawyer. She was convincing people to go out and buy the last lecture. It was a good show on him. It explained Pancreatic cancer and the odds of serviving it and so on. I was moved and thought I have to hear this lecture so I went on Barnes and Noble (I am a memeber) and bought both the cds of "The Last Lecture" and the book. I listened to the book in one day and read the book in two days.
His Last Lecture was about "What would we want as our legacy?" My Poem. A Postcard from a Volcano. Our legacy as a person. What is my child going to know about me? And how did I live on this planet?
Acheive your child hood dreams! Even though he was dying his lecture wasnt about that. He was actually doing push ups saying he was more fit them most in the room. And he was. Amazing! It was about "Really acheiving your childhood dreams"! It was about overcoming obstacles, enabling the dreams of others and seizing every moment. It was about living.
I remember him telling us he took a subaticle in Disney land. HELLO! How much fun would that be to work in Disney Land? He says it's okay to deligate. Stand up when you talk to people on the phone and pase so you arent on the phone long. Don't lie! Tell the truth. Don't be to cocky! Let your kids paint their walls! Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweatty things. Do want you want to do. READ THIS BOOK PLEASE!!!!
Thank you for taking time to read this blurb about him. He has changed my life and I hope he can yours. Also if you want to know more go to his web site.

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Wonderful Quotes

Don't sweat the petty things. Pet the sweaty things. -I don't know who wrote the book but it is in my Grandpa's bathroom and I think it is words to live by.

There are no accidents. -James Joyce

Anything worth reading is beside the point. -

The point of the journey is the journey. -John Barth

I owe America WAY more then she will EVER owe me. - John McCain

How do I know what I think until I see what I say? W.H. Auden

I will release you from this tragic event so you can live in common unhappiness. -Froid

Imagination of action that is serious, complete, and of certin magnitude.- Aristotle

Life imitates art. -Oscar Wilde

The true tragedy is when you don't get an answer to the question "why me" -

"We cannot change the cards we were dealt, just how we play that hand." -Randy Pausch

It's like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it.
-A Walk to Remember

I tell you one thing. They aint ever getting to Aspen!
-The gas man on Dumb and Dumber

I feel like a rain drop. I drop into a puddle and then get sucked back up by the sun just to do it ALL over again!
-Krystal Fischer