Monday, July 28, 2008

The Expectations of Matilda

I am not going to be in class today so I will put what I'm going to write about on here.
I will be writing about losing things. Like when their belongins were burned, when Matilda ran to the school house to find "Great Expectations" and it was missing and how that effected the hole village, When there houses got burned and rebuilding them, losing Mr. Watts and remembering him. Her mother and how she feels about it and her Island. I am going from the quote on page 69 "There are somethings you never expect to loose, things you think will forever be a part of you, even if it's only a toe nail." then him and matilda go on about "losing" a big toe nail and she says nothing is lost because another one will grow back. he then says "Except that particular toenail.YOu could say that same about a house or ones country. No two are the same. you gain as you lose and vise versa."
Pg. 92 "Curiosity killed the car" was Mr. Watts explanation, "If everything we did made sense the world would be a different place. Life would be less interesting."
A life less ordinary is one worth living. He made his life more interesting when he told the stories by the campfire. How Matilda made Pip her friend, it made her life more interesting. Reading Great expectations made the children's lives more interesting and made them want to go to school to hear what was going to happen next. They recounted the story when "Great Expectations" was lost. That made them think and have something to look forward to when the book was lost.
Pg. 244-245 To sort of fall our of who you are into another as well as to journey back to some essential sense of self. We only see what we see. I didn't know the Mr. Watts that June Watts knew. I only know that man who took us kids by the hand and taught us how to regime the world and our lives. Your ship could come in at anytime, and that ship could take many forms. your Mr. Jaggers might even turn out to be a log. Grace going insane and never "snapping" our of Queen Sheaba. Mr. Watts getting lost in his stories along with Matilda and the rest of the village. Mr. Watts becoming Mr. Dickens to the Redskins and Pip to the rebells. The next paragraph tells us that He was whatever he needed to be, what we asked him to be. Perhaps there are lives like that- They pour into whaever space we have already made for them to fill. We needed a teacher, Mr. Watts became a teacher. We needed a magician to conjure up other words, and Mr. W had became that magician. We needed a savior, Mr. W filled that roll. When the redskins required a life, Mr. W had given himself.

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Wonderful Quotes

Don't sweat the petty things. Pet the sweaty things. -I don't know who wrote the book but it is in my Grandpa's bathroom and I think it is words to live by.

There are no accidents. -James Joyce

Anything worth reading is beside the point. -

The point of the journey is the journey. -John Barth

I owe America WAY more then she will EVER owe me. - John McCain

How do I know what I think until I see what I say? W.H. Auden

I will release you from this tragic event so you can live in common unhappiness. -Froid

Imagination of action that is serious, complete, and of certin magnitude.- Aristotle

Life imitates art. -Oscar Wilde

The true tragedy is when you don't get an answer to the question "why me" -

"We cannot change the cards we were dealt, just how we play that hand." -Randy Pausch

It's like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it.
-A Walk to Remember

I tell you one thing. They aint ever getting to Aspen!
-The gas man on Dumb and Dumber

I feel like a rain drop. I drop into a puddle and then get sucked back up by the sun just to do it ALL over again!
-Krystal Fischer